Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My Edgar....I saw him sitting in the light...I saw the light and had to take this. I really like it.

I had to reschedule my engagement shoot because of weather :-( Hopefully this weekend will be nicer weather.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Baby Bear the black lab

Took the dogs to the river today. Bear is a lab mix, he has not been to the river very many times. He really liked it there. I wish I could have let him run around loose, but I am afraid he will take off, or another dog will come and who knows what would happen. I am going to keep taking him until he gets used to it all.

These are pictures of him exploring the water. He really liked it, he was in awe of it all. Dodger on the other hand - I let run around loose because he comes when I call him. He was not as impressed by the water as Bear, but he had fun too.

Photo session tomorrow!!! Come back tomorrow and check out the pictures.

New Look to my Site

I have recently been working very hard on my site. I try to keep it fresh and updated as much as possible. Today I added a live feed from my blog to the home page. From now on you can see what I have been up to even easier than before.

Tomorrow we have an engagement shoot with Elena and Scott. I cant wait! Come back soon and check out the images we capture.